Trigger Warning: This site contains discussion and information regarding suicide and mental illness.

The number of suicide attempts and fatal suicides has drastically increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. Treating them as criminals in their most vulnerable state and threatening them with jail time is nonsensical and outrageous. It’s about time we repeal Section 309.

Cubaan Bunuh Diri Bukannya Satu Jenayah

Amaran: Laman web ini membincangkan topik bunuh diri dan penyakit mental.

Sejak pandemik Covid-19, bilangan kes bunuh diri dan cubaan bunuh diri telah meningkat secara mendadak. Mangsa yang cuba bunuh diri tidak patut dilayan sebagai penjenayah dan dihumban ke penjara. Sudah tiba masanya untuk memansuhkan Seksyen 309.

What is Section 309?

Section 309 is more commonly known as the law that criminalises suicide attempts. Attempted suicide is a crime punishable by up to a year in jail, a fine, or both. This is an archaic law that was introduced in 1936; a time where mental health and illness was not very well understood.